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Showing posts from January, 2019

How I Not Only Survived, but Thrived During My First Semester Teaching High School!

As a new teacher, I have been sharing my learning journey from the Faculty to the Field since early 2016. I have contributed in many ways; whether it was through a series of blog posts on my website, podcast episodes with Que sera Sarah , Twitter chats, EdTechTeam Summits or even live radio shows such as #onEdMentors . I have continuously taken the risk in opening up my journey for people to read/listen and hopefully be inspired. This openness has allowed me to reflect, share my highs and lows, receive constructive feedback, have a dialogue with other educators as well as contribute to the world of teacher candidates and new teachers in an online space and beyond.  As a recent graduate of the University of Ottawa, I am very fortunate to have gotten hired in June of 2018 for a full time teaching position with the school board of my dreams! I am now working in a small rural school, only a short distance away from my house, teaching grade 9 and 10. I must admit that my previous...

What Makes You Happy?

I have spent far too much time away from blogging for BeWellEDU, but it's time for me to make this a priority again. This is my beautiful daughter, Ava.  She is on the verge of so many changes in her life - she turns 13 in April, and she is in her first year of junior high.  She makes me happy.  She also inspired this post.  Recently, she was texting with a boy and she showed me the texts, at one point she asked him, "What makes you happy?"  He responded by saying that nobody had ever asked him that.  I felt both proud, and sad.  We all should have someone ask us that and mean it.  I was proud that she was truly interested in the answer, and she made him feel good and likely put a smile on his face.  He went on to respond with a list of things, and then asked her for her list.  What a great little conversation for two 12 year olds.  She makes me happy. What makes you happy?