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Showing posts from July, 2018

Desk De-Stress

I have recently been thinking about small things a person can do to de-stress and/or meditate while at their desk.  Many of us sit at a desk for prolonged periods of time for our work, and often it is hard to get out and get active midday when we are buried in a project or deadlines.  I was searching online and found a few things that would be great and easy to do.  Blogs these are taken from are credited at the end of this post. 1. The biggest and most important thing for me to remember while I work is to have good posture.  When I first started working from home, I noticed by back was really achy after a few days.  I realized that it was because of how I was sitting at my desk.  I was slumping and curving my back.  It is so important to be aware of your posture, so adjusting your chair and keyboard are two good ways to improve this. 2. I have found that my mind is well when I have a clean space.  Another point in a blog I read reinforce...