Last night I was watching the Oscars with my family - a tradition we have. We like to fill in our own ballots and then wager a bet on who will have the most correct winners on their ballot. As I watched Rami Malek win for Bohemian Rhapsody - a movie I truly enjoyed - I was fascinated with his acceptance speech, and something in it struck me. He said: "I think about what it would have been like to tell little bubba Rami that one day this might happen to him and I think his curly-haired little mind would be blown," he said. "He was struggling with his identity, trying to figure himself out. And I think to anyone struggling with theirs, and trying to discover their voice: Listen, we made a film about a gay man, an immigrant, who lived his life just unapologetically himself. The fact that I'm celebrating him and this story with you tonight is proof that we're longing for stories like this." When he said, "we're longing for stories like this...