February 27, 2010 my life changed. I lost my dad to his battle with cancer, and he was only 52. My daughter Ava and my dad, summer 2009. Today is ten years since he died, and I have to say, it is a very tough day. I didn't expect it to be so difficult, but I am struggling today. Grief can consume, and it is a sneaky thing too, as you don't realize it's going to get you until it does. I am constantly on the verge of tears, my every thought is consumed with memories of him - both good and sad ones. How is it that TEN years has gone by so quickly? I was having a conversation with one of my Google Innovator mentees today, and he was saying how his life was so busy this past month and his Innovator project has somehow paused for a few weeks. He was still motivated and enthusiastic about it, and best of all - he didn't feel any guilt about having hit the pause button. My mentee's project is focussed around teacher self-care and wellness, and he...